definition of stone in english
STONE English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
stone noun (JEWEL) B1 [ C ] a small piece of a hard, valuable substance, such as a diamond, that is found in the ground and used in jewellery: precious/semiprecious
اObtener precioSTONE Definition Usage Examples Dictionary
adjective made of or pertaining to stone. made of stoneware: a stone mug or bottle. stonelike; stony; obdurate: a stone killer; stone strength. adverb completely; totally
اObtener precioSTONE definition and meaning Collins English
2023.11.12 A stone is a small hard ball of minerals and other substances which sometimes forms in a person's kidneys or gall bladder . He had kidney stones. The stone in a plum, cherry, or other
اObtener preciostone English meaning - Cambridge Essential British
B1 [ no plural ] a hard, natural substance that is found in the ground: a stone wall. B1. a small rock or piece of rock. B1. a hard, valuable substance that is often used in jewellery:
اObtener preciostone meaning - Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
B1. a hard, natural substance that is found in the ground: a stone wall. Fewer examples. The statue was carved out of stone. Outside was a stone patio with tubs of
اObtener preciostone_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
[uncountable] (often used before nouns or in compounds) a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the ground, often used for building Most of the houses are built of stone.
اObtener preciostone - WordReference Dictionary of English
stone [ uncountable] the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks are made. a piece of rock made into a specific size and shape for a particular purpose:[
اObtener precioStone definition in American English Collins English Dictionary
2023.10.26 A stone is a small hard ball of minerals and other substances which sometimes forms in a person's kidneys or gallbladder. He had kidney stones. 7.
اObtener preciostone - definition of stone in English from the Oxford dictionary
hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especia.... Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content.
اObtener precioMas noticias
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