plastic pipe fittings
Plastic Pipe Fittings McMaster-Carr
Use in high-temperature plumbing and water supply applications up to 200° F. Connect these fittings to UV-resistant PVC they contain an additive that protects against the
اObtener precioPVC Pipe Fittings McMaster-Carr
Thick-Wall Plastic Pipe for Water. Connect to thick-wall plastic pipe fittings for use in heavy duty industrial plumbing and water supply applications, such as water processing,
اObtener precioPolyethylene Pipe Fittings McMaster-Carr
Also known as insert fittings, these slide into semi-flexible plastic pipe and secure with a clamp. Low-Pressure Barbed Plastic Pipe Fittings for Water Use for pressures up to 60
اObtener precioPVC Pipe Fittings at Lowes
Find a variety of PVC pipe and fittings for irrigation, underground sprinkler systems, swimming pools, outdoor applications and cold water supply lines. Compare prices,
اObtener precioPipe Fittings McMaster-Carr
Press-Fit Framing and Fittings. Set up temporary partitions, guards, and displays using only a hammer. 92 products. Protective Caps. Cover holes at the end of pipe, conduit, and
اObtener precioPlastic Tube Fittings McMaster-Carr
Air Flow Check Valves. These valves open to allow flow in one direction and close when flow stops or reverses direction. Choose from our selection of plastic tube fittings in a wide
اObtener precioPipe Fittings Fittings All Products Swagelok
Swagelok pipe fittings have burr-free internal surfaces and smooth thread flanks, allowing for smooth flow and providing optimized sealing while minimizing galling. A variety of available materials and configurations,
اObtener precioPlastic Pipe Fittings PVC Pipe Fittings RS - RS
Plastic pipe fittings can be attached to plastic pipes to change the direction of the water flow or to provide a connection between pipes. These fittings help transport materials
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